Adult Eating Disorder Treatment

From The Comfort of Home.

How It Works

Our Virtual Eating Disorder Treatment Program was developed in response to a growing need for holistic and comprehensive support, from the comfort of your own home for adults.

We do not believe in a one size fits all approach, and develop fully customized Program Plans that suite your lifestyle, your needs, and your stage in the recovery journey.

The Integration of mind, body, and soul healing is occurring concurrently throughout the duration of your personalized treatment plan, ensuring that you are treated as a whole person, not simply a checklist of symptoms.

We understand that no two eating disorders are the same, and that many adults need to find ways to recover without taking immense amounts of time off from their lives.

Our programs:

  • Are fully personalized

  • 100% virtual and accessible

  • Available seven days a week*

  • Do not require a pre-diagnosis or referral

  • Financing options are available

  • Can include nutrition, recovery coaching, and naturopathic medicine

Nutrition Support

  • -Establishing a regular pattern of eating, refeeding & physical stabilization.

    -Weekly nutrition sessions, a gradual buildup to a full meal plan and full meal & snack support.

    -Food normalization & symptom interruption.

    -Exploring how we eat & engage with food, & learning to allow all foods to fit.

    -Learning how the patterns on our plate are reflective in our life, exploring the bodies hunger & fullness cues, establishing more preference and become part of the food process more.

Recovery Coaching

  • -Explore what function eating disorder has served in their life.

    -Distress tolerance toolbox: Somatic Release Techniques, emotional regulation tools, urge surfing and healthy coping mechanisms.

    -Strengthen the “Healthy Self” & overcome the fear of reaching out.

    -Exploring emotion through colour, music and artistic expression.

    -Identifying triggers and safety planning for high stress situations.

Naturopathic Medicine

  • -Reviews medical labs to inform nutrition & health goals after baseline testing is done with medical doctor.

    -Support with digestion, hormones, hydration, and supplementation.

You have completely shifted and renewed my thinking and feeling from despair and heavy grief to hope. Thank you for changing the narrative for me.
— Recovery Warrior
  • You identify that you have disordered eating, or an eating disorder. 

  • You feel out of control around food, or feel trapped in a cycle of restriction and bingeing.

  • You no longer know what it means to eat “normally”.

  • You are constantly dieting, or trying to control what you eat, how much you weigh, or your body shape. 

  • You use compensatory measures such as exercise, laxatives, restriction, or purging.

  • You are consumed with thoughts of food, weight, or shape.

  • You experience low self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Eating and food-centric situations cause you anxiety.

  • You struggling with body image or body dysmorphia, and tie your self-worth to your physical appearance.

  • You struggle with loop thinking; you find yourself trapped in negative or self-limiting thought cycles.

  • You have tried other approaches to healing, and it feels as though nothing works.



  • We will work with anyone who has identified that they have a disordered relationship with food and self.

    This includes (but is not limited to) Binge Eating Disorder, Anorexia, Bulimia, Exercise Bulimia, EDNOS, and Orthorexia.

    You do not need to have a pre-diagnosis to access services.

  • The time commitment will depend on the custom Recovery Roadmap that we develop once you have completed a full, in depth assessment with our team.

  • We believe that recovery is a 24/7 job and does not end simply because the session is over; your team will be available between sessions via text or email to answer additional questions or concerns.

  • Due to the virtual nature of the program, we strive to be accessible to people all over the world. Depending on the time zone you are in, this may impact your ability to access certain services. Please contact us for more information if you are outside of Canada and the U.S.A.

  • When you are working with us in the adult recovery program, you will be seeing your treatment team (registered nutritionist and certified recovery coach) for various appointments each week, depending on where you are at in the recovery journey and how much support is needed to get well. Appointment frequency will vary at different stages of the journey, and your treatment team will recommend the intensity of support, treatment and appointments needed at each phase.

    For pricing and packages, click here.

  • If you have extended health benefits from your workplace (or a family members), your treatment may be partially covered. We will work with you to see what is covered by insurance.

  • If you are a Canadian resident, you may be eligible for Compassionate Care Leave. Apply here

    If you are a U.S resident, interest free financing options are available to you. Apply, or learn more here.